Course Description
Part 1
- Introduction to archaeometry, the interdisciplinary discipline that deals with the application of science in archaeology and culture.
- Reference to the categories of works of art and cultural heritage, with emphasis on the materials of which they are composed.
- Presentation of methods applied for characterization and documentation of materials in cultural heritage works from Antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century through various case studies, with emphasis on the use of (a) FTIR spectroscopy as well as micro-FTIR with simple MCT and MCT array (FPA) and (b) UV-Vis spectroscopy.
- Overview of dating and authenticity methods.
- Elements of maintenance and restoration
- Contemporary issues of development of innovative materials for the maintenance (cleaning) and maintenance of projects (coatings, films).
Part 2
- Students participate in laboratory exercises concerning the characterization of pigments and background of mural samples with the combined use of micro-FTIR and SEM-EDS methods.
- Visit to museum workshops in Thessaloniki or monuments with a guided tour.
Course Info
Code: ΠΥΕ208
Group: Elective
Semester: Second Semester
Hours / Week: 2
ECTS Units: 4
Instructors: L. Malletzidou, Τ. Ζorba