Master Thesis is mandatory in the curriculum of the MSc, as described in the Internal Regulation of MSc Course. Its subject can be theoretical or experimental or a combination of the two and is an original research study. What follows is a tentative schedule:
Thesis topic selection: At the beginning of each academic year, the available MSc thesis topics are announced on the website of the MSc. Students select topics in consultation with the respective supervisors stating the topic and the supervisor.
Available positions (in Greek) | Application Form (in Greek)
Elaboration of thesis: The duration of the Diploma Thesis cannot be less than one academic semester. Master’s Thesis elaboration follows the Ethics Regulation of AUTh Research. When the thesis cycle is completed, in consultation with the supervisor, the writing of the Master Thesis begins. The Master Thesis can be written in Greek or English. If the thesis is written in English, an extensive abstract in Greek describing the methodology and main results of the thesis should be included in the text. The typical size of a master’s thesis ranges from 50 to 150 pages, with the original part being larger than 50%.
Diploma Thesis Template | Useful Tips
Evaluation: Upon completion of the Master Thesis, a three-member Examination Committee is formed for the evaluation of the work, one member of which is the supervisor.
The examination includes in addition to the evaluation of the written text, [1] an oral presentation of the Master Thesis before the three-member Examination Committee at a date and place determined. The presentation is public, is announced at least three (3) days ago on the website of the MSc and all teaching / students of the MSc are informed. The presentations of the diploma theses take place three times a year in a special workshop in a maximum of 2 weeks after the end of the corresponding examination period (February, June, September). The delivery of the thesis to the 3-member examination committee for evaluation takes place at least 10 days before the presentation. After the support of the Master Thesis, a report is drawn up stating the individual grade of each member of the three-member Examination Committee, the average score as well as any comments or remarks. The Master Thesis is approved with a grade greater than or equal to six (6). Following its approval, the thesis final submission follows and its posting in the AUTh Scientific Repository.
[1] The committee may use anti-plagiarism tools provided by AUTh.