Course Description
Ceramic materials: Introduction to ceramic materials, synthesis methods, structural, physicochemical and mechanical characteristics. Diffusion and sintering. Atomic bonds, types of mesh, imperfections and their effect on mechanical properties. Advanced ceramics and applications in energy and medicine. Processing methods. Composite ceramics and methods of improving their mechanical properties. Modern research directions in advanced ceramics.
Polymers: Introduction to polymeric materials: Definitions, main physicochemical characteristics, thermomechanical properties of polymers and their importance in their applications, structure-property relationships, crystallization of polymers, polymers in our daily lives.
Solid dispersion systems: Surface properties of solids, Adsorption of gases and liquids, Colloidal systems: definitions, characteristic properties, characterization techniques, Stabilization of dispersion systems: electric double layer theory, surfactants, chemical flocculation, emulsions, gels, aerosols.
Course Info
Code: ΠΥΕ205
Group: Elective
Semester: Second Semester
Hours / Week: 2
ECTS Units: 4
Instructors: E. Pavlopoulou, K. Simeonidis, X. Chatzistavrou